JAN. 18-25, 2020
"They showed us unusual kindness" (Acts 28:2)
The materials for the 2020 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity have been prepared by the Christian churches in Malta and Gozo. On February 10th many Christians in Malta celebrate the Feast of the Shipwreck of St Paul, marking and giving thanks for the arrival of Christian faith on these islands. The reading from the Acts of the Apostles used for the feast is the text chosen for this year’s Week of Prayer.
Hospitality is a much needed virtue in our search for Christian unity. It is a practice that calls us to a greater generosity to those in need. The people who showed unusual kindness to Paul and his companions did not yet know Christ, and yet it is through their unusual kindness that a divided people were drawn closer together. Our own Christian unity will be discovered not only through showing hospitality to one another, important though this is, but also through loving encounters with those who do not share our language, culture or faith. In such tempestuous journeys and chance encounters, God’s will for the Church and all people comes to fulfillment.
January 18-25, 2020
Theme: They showed us unusual kindness (cf. Acts 28-2)
Ecumenical Prayer Service
led by Christian leaders in the GTA
His Eminence Cardinal Collins
will be reflecting on the Word of God
Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 7 p.m.
Yorkminster Park Baptist Church
1585 Yonge Street, Toronto
February 9, 2020
3:00 pm
St. Isaac Jogues Parish
1148 Finch Ave, Pickering
As part of Marriage Sunday 2020 celebrations, Cardinal Thomas Collins will preside at a special Mass to honour couples celebrating milestone anniversaries in 2020. If you, or a couple you know, are celebrating a 25th, 40th, 50th or 60+ wedding anniversary in 2020, they are invited to join in this special celebration. A reception will follow after Mass. The Mass is open to all, but due to space restrictions those wishing to attend are asked to register on-line or by phone. Early registration is highly encouraged to avoid disappointment as we anticipate a high demand. Milestone anniversary celebrants will be assured of reserved seating. Non-reserved seating will be provided on a first-come first-served basis to all other married couples, family members, friends and others attending the Mass (doors open at 2 p.m.).
For more information: www.archtoronto.org/marriage
Tel.: (416) 934-0606, ext. 523
Pizza Sunday
Sunday, 12 January 2020!
Pizza Sunday is returning next Sunday, January 12th, 2020. You may can purchase a slice or whole pizza to eat in or take out!!
Mark your calendar and come out to enjoy a slice or whole pizza.
His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins
Jan 14, 2020 at 7 pm
Blessed Trinity Parish Hall
3220 Bayview Avenue, Toronto
This year Pope Francis will inaugurate "Word of God Sunday"—the third Sunday of Ordinary Time. This will be a time to focus on and celebrate the Sacred Scriptures. Accordingly, our own Cardinal Collins will be speaking about the importance of the Word of God, the Bible in the life and ministry of the believer. Cardinal Collins has his PhD in Sacred Scripture, and notably, in the Book of Revelation. As well, he regularly broadcasts Lectio Divina sessions on the Bible. His engaging style and love for Jesus and the Church will be most evident as he shares with us his thoughtful insights on the central place the Bible has for Catholics today.
All are welcome.
CONTACT: Fellowship of St. Joseph of the Association for Hebrew Catholics ahctoronto@gmail.com
The Toronto Catholic District School Board invites parents to register their children for Junior Kindergarten beginning Wednesday, January 15th, 2020 at 10:00 am EST.
Registration options:
On-line: Parents may complete their application beginning Jan. 15th at 10 a.m. at SOAR.tcdsb.org and follow-up with a visit to the school to present required documents.
In Person: Parents may register at their local school with required documents, also beginning January 15th at 10 a.m.
The following documents are required for registration:
1. Child's Birth Certificate (Certificate of Citizenship or Landed Immigrant Status)
2. Child's Catholic Baptismal Certificate (or other proof of Catholicity)
3. Child's Immunization Record
4. Proof of residency in Toronto
It is best to call your local Catholic school for an appointment.
St. Rita: 416-393-5216
St. Cecilia: 416-393-5218
January 27, 2020, 4:45 pm
St. Augustine's Seminary, 2661 Kingston Road, Toronto
Have you ever thought about becoming a priest? Spending an evening at the seminary offers discerners a glimpse into the place where priestly formation begins. The evening includes Holy Mass in the beautiful seminary chapel, dinner, a talk by Director of Vocations Fr. Chris Lemieux, and a tour of the seminary
Info.: (416) 968-0997,
email: vocations@archtoronto.org
Please pick up your envelopes from the back of the church if you have yet to do so. Thank you!