Parish Schedule
Effective Monday, April 19, 2021
(capacity of 8, first come, first admitted)
Monday - Saturday: 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
(every 15 minutes, 8 per service, first come first admitted)
Saturday: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
(last service: 7:45 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.)
Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.
(last service: 11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
WEDDINGS FUNERALS AND BAPTISMS restricted to 10 persons
including those involved in ministry (priest, cantor, lector etc.)
on our YouTube channel.
Visit: to subscribe
Closed to the public (except for essential scheduled appointments)
Wednesday-Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (remote) 769 8163
Livestream of Mass
Our Sunday 9 a.m. Mass will be livestreamed on our Youtube channel. Visit our channel: St. Cecilia Parish Toronto (or subscribe via our website) to join us from home. The video will also be archived for later access.
Thanks to Tim Norohna and our Livestream committee for making this possible! Please contact the office if you would like to assist with this very important ministry.
Building Renovation
The renovation construction has been deemed non-essential and has been suspended until May 20th. Updates to follow.
Prayer In Time Of Covid
Gracious God, you who are the author of all life, and who desire the well-being of all people,
during these dark days of Covid 19, increase in us, respect and reverence for all human life.
Grant restored health to the sick,
comfort and hope to the dying,
strength to family members, friends, relatives, clergy & volunteers,
renewed energy to hospital workers, PSWs, nurses and doctors,
and perseverance to all in the health care professions.
Grant wisdom to scientists for the development of effective and moral vaccines,
discernment and right judgment for legislators,
aid to the discouraged, poor and vulnerable,
courage and justice for front-line workers,
and keep always in our minds the vision of the true common good of all the world.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Bishop Robert Kasun CSB
Auxiliary Bishop Central Region
Archdiocese of Toronto
The Pope's Pastoral Works Collection
May 8/9, 2021
A disastrous flood or earthquake strikes a nation at the other end of the world. Immediately many countries rush in food, medicine, blankets, money, and trained people. Prominent among such aid is the financial help offered by the Holy Father to people in need. The annual Pope’s Pastoral Works collection makes these funds available for distribution. In the name of Catholics everywhere, he displays Christ’s love and compassion for those who suffer.

Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 2, 2021
ShareLife agencies need your support during the pandemic
Vita Centre is a ShareLife funded agency that provides support, education and counselling for pregnant and parenting women in Peel.
“We give heartfelt thanks to all the heroes who donate to ShareLife. Your support makes it possible for vulnerable parents to have the supports and resources that allow their children and themselves to thrive.” - Tanya Pereira, Vita Centre
Our Parish goal is $39,300.00
To date, we have raised: $24,870.00
Thank you for your outpouring of generosity!
Wednesday April 28th 7 - 8 p.m.
If your son loves to sing and is in grades 2-10, join staff, alumni, and parents to learn more about SMCS choral and academic programmes.
Online Bereavement Support Group begins Wednesday, May 12, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
Online Separated/Divorce Support Group begins Thursday, May 13, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
For more information and to register please contact: Arcangelo Limanni, MRE (416) 921-1163 ext. 2225

Sunday, May 2, 2021
A Canticle of Triumph through Sorrow (Tobit 13:1-8)
Vespers (Evening Prayer) at 7 p.m.
Lectio Divina 7:30 to 8:15 p.m.
Join via livestream
The Toronto Catholic District School Board invites parents to register their children for Junior Kindergarten beginning Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 at 10:00 am EST. Due to current COVID-19 conditions all applications (including the upload of required documents) must be completed online.
The following documents are required for registration:
1. Child's Birth Certificate (Certificate of Citizenship or Landed Immigrant Status)
2. Child's Catholic Baptismal Certificate (or proof of Catholicity)
3. Child's Immunization Record
4. Proof of residency in Toronto
Weekly envelopes may be used - mailed to the parish or dropped off: 161 Annette Street, Toronto, ON M6P 1P5.
The easiest on-line options:
Archdiocese Donate Now link Enables you to give to St. Cecilia parish by credit card. You choose St. Cecilia from a list of parishes and the Archdiocese directs your donation to our parish. The parish receives a monthly report of all donations made via this method. Tax receipts are issued to donors at year end by the Archdiocese (one-time gifts are receipted at time of giving).
Pre-Authorised giving A set donation figure of your choosing is withdrawn from your bank account on the 20th of each month. Please contact the parish office to set this up.
If you have any questions regarding methods of donating, please email or phone the parish office.
Thank you for your many and varied contributions to our parish community!
Dear parishioners,
I hope and pray that you are staying healthy – both physically and spiritually. Please let me know if the parish can help you during these difficult times.
No doubt you are aware that our parish relies on the support of our parishioners to operate – parish salaries, programs and ongoing operating costs (heating, water, electricity, etc.) – are funded through the generosity of our parish community. It will be a challenge for our parish to maintain operations without the weekly offertory collection.
In response to many queries that I have received from parishioners, I offer below some of the ways that you may continue to support our parish if you are in a position to do so. I recognise that many of you, like the parish, are experiencing financial strain at this time and I pray that those stresses are soon eased for you.
For those in a position to continue to give to our parish, the easiest on-line options would be through the Archdiocese Donate Now link. Through this link you can give to the parish by credit card. These donations are handled by the Archdiocese. The donation is directed to the parish of your choice. The parish receives a monthly report of all donations made to the parish via this method and tax receipts are issued to donors at year end by the Archdiocese (one-time gifts are receipted at time of giving).
Pre-Authorised giving is also an option. A set donation figure of your choosing is withdrawn from your bank account on the 20th of each month. We have a number of parishioners who give by this method. Please contact the office if you wish to set this up.
Weekly envelopes may still be used - mailed to the parish or dropped off.
Thank you for your many contributions to our parish community. I miss seeing all of you at the Mass and I pray daily that we will be able to gather together again soon.
Yours in Christ,
Father Joseph
Pastor, St. Cecilia
Scripture Readings for
Sunday, May 9 2021
First Reading: Acts 10 : 25 - 26, 34 - 35, 44 - 48
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 98
Second Reading: 1 John 4 : 7 - 10
Gospel: John 15 : 9 - 17
Mon. May 3 - Sun. May 9, 2021
Friday 9:05 a.m.
Bina Hamill (RIP)
Req. by Tricia Martin and family
Saturday 7 p.m.
Isabella Frendo and Rita Bonnicci (RIP)
Req. by Helen & Fred Frendo
Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Antonio Grasso (RIP)
Maria and Pietro Grasso (RIP)
Req. by Theresa Grasso and children
Sunday 11 a.m.
Jardelina Melo & Manuel Umbelina (RIP)
Req. by Their Children
Hang Sam Lee, Richard Mijares, Drew Fiala, Connie Tari-Kornhauser, Lisa Reardon, Stuart Robson, Rosa Maria Santos, Dory Kashin, Bianca Auriemma, Rosie Po, Frank Ferreira, Antonina Koziara, Julia Collins, Mary Ann Cuschieri, Sebastian Caravalho, Anne Tran Fazzalari, Gabriel Sebastian Romano, Robert Freimuts, Giuseppe R., Mikayla Haswell, Victoria Cooper, Anna Solims, Lorenza Varga, Steven McKinney, Krysten Telfer, Natalie Chabane, Edward Spiteri, Maria Ruccolo, John Conforzi, Ignacio Juarez Ednet, Dominic Coccimiglio, Winifred Ismail, Hector Balthazar, Mimi Ashton, Ann Baby, Susan Murphy, and John Sherman.
Please notify the office of any changes to the list.
PAG $ 918.00
Thank you for your support!
2021 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES may be picked up at the church during private prayer or you may call the office to make other arrangements.
If you moved this year, please inform the office of your new address. Thank you.