The Clergy and staff wish you a blessed, joyous and safe Christmas! Please see the website for the Christmas message from Fr. Joseph.
Monday - Saturday: 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. - 12 NOON
restricted to 10 people
by appointment - please contact the office in ministry
restricted to 10 people,
including those who are involved in ministry (priest, cantor, etc.).
The office is closed to the public at this time. Staff are responding to emails and phone calls during regular office hours: Wed-Fri, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. The pastor is responding to urgent messages outside of regular office hours.
Dear parishioners,
We want to thank all the parishioners of St. Cecilia for their ongoing support during this period of great uncertainty. It has been wonderful to see so many of you at Mass since we re-opened in June. We are especially grateful to the volunteers who have helped ensure our church is a safe place to gather – they have done incredible work!
As you know, the number of new COVID-19 cases in the Greater Toronto Area has increased significantly in recent days and, at present, Toronto and Peel Regions are in the “Lockdown Stage” as identified by the Province of Ontario. In addition, Premier Ford announced on November 20th, 2020 special emergency measures that need to be taken in our area.
For this reason, as of Monday, November 23rd, we must restrict attendance inside the church to 10 people, including priests hearing confessions and people required to monitor capacity restrictions. Sadly, due to these measures, public Masses must be temporarily cancelled. Priests will continue to celebrate private Mass daily for the intentions of parishioners and for those suffering from Covid.
Our church will remain open for private prayer and for the faithful to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We will be open daily for private prayer: Sat. 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. and Sun. 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Reconciliation will continue to be by appointment. Weddings, funerals and baptisms will now be restricted to 10 persons, including those who are involved in ministry (priest, cantor, lector etc.). The Confirmations we had scheduled will need to be postponed.
While I recognize it is not a substitute for attending Mass in person, I encourage you to view online/livestream or televised Masses. A full list is available at Visit our parish website to link our parish Sunday Masses.
All non-essential meetings in the parish will move to virtual meetings or they may be postponed. Our staff will be working remotely wherever possible. Our office hours are: Wednesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
We recognize these measures are extremely challenging. I am also so incredibly grateful for the efforts of our heroic volunteers who have been faithfully welcoming parishioners and cleaning the church between services, ensuring that we can operate safely and responsibly. Your selflessness and generosity is inspiring!
If you would like to continue financial support of the parish during this temporary closure, you may drop your offering off in the mail slot of the office door at 161 Annette Street or mail it to the office. You may also visit the Archdiocese of Toronto: to donate on-line to the parish or to sign up for pre-authorized giving.
So many of the faithful rely on the reception of the sacraments and our churches to find solace, peace and support during this period of pandemic. Despite these new restrictions, we will make every effort to continue our outreach to you. We also ask that you find opportunities to assist those who are vulnerable or alone among us. Please visit our website or listen to our phone message for updates. We pray that you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy. Thank you for your patience and prayers as we navigate this wave. Keep Care. Look after one another and may God bless you.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Joseph Tap Tran
Thank you to everyone for wearing your face masks out of consideration and love of neighbour! Please be reminded that the mask/face covering must cover your nose as well as your mouth to be effective.
2020-2021 Living with Christ Missals will be available for purchase after Masses NEXT weekend November 14/15th. The cost is $5.00
Weekly envelopes may be used - mailed to the parish or dropped off: 161 Annette Street, Toronto, ON M6P 1P5.
The easiest on-line options:
Archdiocese Donate Now link Enables you to give to St. Cecilia parish by credit card. You choose St. Cecilia from a list of parishes and the Archdiocese directs your donation to our parish. The parish receives a monthly report of all donations made via this method. Tax receipts are issued to donors at year end by the Archdiocese (one-time gifts are receipted at time of giving).
Pre-Authorised giving A set donation figure of your choosing is withdrawn from your bank account on the 20th of each month. Please contact the parish office to set this up.
If you have any questions regarding methods of donating, please email or phone the parish office.
Thank you for your many and varied contributions to our parish community!
Dear parishioners,
I hope and pray that you are staying healthy – both physically and spiritually. Please let me know if the parish can help you during these difficult times.
No doubt you are aware that our parish relies on the support of our parishioners to operate – parish salaries, programs and ongoing operating costs (heating, water, electricity, etc.) – are funded through the generosity of our parish community. It will be a challenge for our parish to maintain operations without the weekly offertory collection.
In response to many queries that I have received from parishioners, I offer below some of the ways that you may continue to support our parish if you are in a position to do so. I recognise that many of you, like the parish, are experiencing financial strain at this time and I pray that those stresses are soon eased for you.
For those in a position to continue to give to our parish, the easiest on-line options would be through the Archdiocese Donate Now link. Through this link you can give to the parish by credit card. These donations are handled by the Archdiocese. The donation is directed to the parish of your choice. The parish receives a monthly report of all donations made to the parish via this method and tax receipts are issued to donors at year end by the Archdiocese (one-time gifts are receipted at time of giving).
Pre-Authorised giving is also an option. A set donation figure of your choosing is withdrawn from your bank account on the 20th of each month. We have a number of parishioners who give by this method. Please contact the office if you wish to set this up.
Weekly envelopes may still be used - mailed to the parish or dropped off.
Thank you for your many contributions to our parish community. I miss seeing all of you at the Mass and I pray daily that we will be able to gather together again soon.
Yours in Christ,
Father Joseph
Pastor, St. Cecilia
The Songs of the Angels in the Book of Revelation
Saturday, January 23, 2021 9:30 am to 1:00 pm
After a brief introduction to the Book of Revelation, this talk will explore the hymns of the Apocalypse, their role and function, and St. John's message of hope in a time of crisis. Presented by Monsignor A. Robert Nusca.
COST: $25
CONTACT: St. Augustine's Seminary of Toronto
PHONE: 416-261-7207
Advent Retreat
The virtual parish retreat led by Fr. Daniel Sehlapelo is available for viewing on our YouTube channel.
To view, visit our channel: St. Cecilia Parish Toronto
Let us light our advent candles in our homes as we Prepare the Way of the Lord!
An Evening of Christmas Lessons and Carols
Coming soon to our parish YouTube channel!
Please visit our YouTube channel:
St. Cecilia Parish Toronto for a video of scripture and song presented by our choir director Peter Treen and cantor Sean McNulty with scripture readings by St. Cecilia Parish lectors, video of our beloved St. Cecilia Church and singing by our St. Cecilia choir.
Link to our channel:
Scripture Readings for
Sunday, December 27, 2020
The Holy Family
First Reading: Genesis 15.1-6; 17.3b-5; 15-16; 21.1-7-5
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 105
Second Reading: Hebrews 11.8, 11-12, 17-19
Gospel: Luke 2.22-40
Mon. Dec 21 - Sun. Dec 27
Tuesday 9:05 a.m.
Heddy Wenzl (RIP)
Req. by The Rooney Family
Thursday 9:05 a.m
Avedis Ayvazian and family (RIP)
Req. by R.C.
Saturday 9:05 a.m.
Arthur Lennon Sr. (RIP)
Req. by The Clough Family
Saturday 7 p.m.
Intentions of the Parish Community (INT)
Sunday 9 a.m.
Hilaria Hong Ting and Agatha Thissen (RIP)
Req. by Annette and Ben Beneditz
Sunday 11 a.m.
Intentions of the Parish Community (INT)
Hang Sam Lee, Richard Mijares, Drew Fiala, Connie Tari-Kornhauser, Lisa Reardon, Stuart Robson, Rosa Maria Santos, Dory Kashin, Bianca Auriemma, Rosie Po, Frank Ferreira, Antonina Koziara, Julia Collins, Mary Ann Cuschieri, Sebastian Caravalho, Anne Tran Fazzalari, Gabriel Sebastian Romano, William (Buddy) O'Hara, Robert Freimuts, Giuseppe R., Mikayla Haswell, Victoria Cooper, Christian Mijares, Anna Solims, Lorenza Varga, Steven McKinney, Krysten Telfer, Natalie Chabane, Edward Spiteri, Maria Ruccolo, John Conforzi, Ignacio Juarez Ednet, Dominic Coccimiglio, Winifred Ismail, Hector Balthazar, Mimi Ashton, Ann Baby, and Theuma Family Members.
Please notify the office of any changes to the list.
You may mail your offerings to the office at 161 Annette Street or drop them off in the mail slot.
Please consider signing up for monthly pre-Authorised Giving. You may do this through the parish office or the Archdiocese. You may also donate to the parish through the Archdiocese website using the Donate Now button.
We will distribute the 2021 envelopes when it is safe to do so.
Please note January 3rd is your last opportunity to contribute 2020 donations. Donations received after January 3, 2021 will count towards your 2021 income tax receipt. If your address has changed, please inform the office.
Thank you for your generosity and patience!
If you moved this year, please inform the office of your new address. Thank you.