22 November 2020 – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe


 As you know, the number of new COVID-19 cases in Peel Region, Toronto and York Region has increased significantly in recent days and these regions are now in the “red zone” as identified by the Province of Ontario. Local medical officers of health have also made strong recommendations for places of worship to reduce their capacity in order to minimize potential transmission. To protect our community and out of love for our neighbour, Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, has made the difficult decision that we must temporarily further restrict attendance at our liturgical celebrations.

As of Tuesday, November 24th, attendance at all liturgical celebrations at parishes in the red zone, will be limited to 50 worshippers in the building at one time (excluding clergy and volunteers who are involved in ministry during the Mass). This attendance limit applies to all sacramental celebrations - Mass, Baptisms, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Weddings and Funerals.

This restriction will result in a reduction to our capacity, therefore, we remind everyone that Week-end Mass attendance is by Registration through Eventbrite. Until now we have been able to accommodate people who have arrived  for Mass without registering, however, with the new restrictions this will no longer be possible.  EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 28TH, YOU MUST REGISTER TO ATTEND WEEK-END MASS and you must show your ticket (or be on the printed list ) to be admitted.  Please visit our parish website: saintcecilia.ca to register. The week-end Masses are scheduled weekly on Monday and are available for registration until 2 hours prior to each Mass.  If you require office assistance registering, please phone the office by 2 p.m. on Friday stating your name, phone number, number of spaces you require and time of Mass requested.  Your space is confirmed when you receive a call back from the office.

Weekday Masses will remain first come, first admitted.

If you are unable to join us in person you can visit the Archdiocese of Toronto’s website: www.archtoronto.org  to see a listing of parishes that livestream the Mass, including St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica. The Daily Mass is also televised on Salt+Light TV,  EWTN and VisionTV among other locations. Please visit our parish website to link to our parish Sunday Mass recording on our youtube channel: St. Cecilia Parish Toronto.

We recognize these additional restrictions are challenging. So many of the faithful rely on the reception of the sacraments and our churches to find solace, peace and support during this period of pandemic. We will make every effort to continue our outreach to you. We also ask that you find opportunities to assist those who are vulnerable or alone among us.

We pray that you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy. May God continue to bless you now and always!

The parish office hours remain: Wednesday-Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

The office is open to the public on Thursdays only,  by pre-arranged appointment. We continue to respond to your telephone and e-mail messages outside of these times.

Thank you to everyone for wearing your face masks out of consideration  and love of neighbour!  Please be reminded that the mask/face covering must cover your nose as well as your mouth to be effective.

2020-2021 Living with Christ Missals will be available for purchase after Masses NEXT weekend November 14/15th.  The cost is $5.00


Saturday, November 28, 2020 10:00 am to  9:15 pm

Cardinal Thomas Collins is pleased to invite families from across the diocese to the third annual virtual archdiocesan gathering of families! This family day will include: prayer; praise and worship; games; Scripture; teaching; a Q&A with Cardinal Collins; family activity challenges; and a parent talk and discussion session with lay evangelist, Patrick Sullivan. Parents and children of all ages are invited to join us for both online Zoom sessions and offline activities. There is no cost to attend, but capacity is limited so register early! One ticket per household.


December 6, 2020

How Great Is Your Name O Lord Our God (Psalm 8 and Psalm 19:1-7)

One Sunday evening each month, all are welcome to join Cardinal Thomas Collins for Lectio Divina at St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica, 65 Bond Street, Toronto

Vespers (Evening Prayer) at 7 p.m.
Lectio Divina  7:30 to 8:15 p.m.
Join live at St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica OR
LIVESTREAM:  via www.stmichaelscathedral.com/live


Weekly envelopes may be used -  mailed to the parish or dropped off:  161 Annette Street, Toronto, ON M6P 1P5.

The easiest on-line options:

Archdiocese Donate Now link  https://community.archtoronto.org/page.aspx?pid=416 Enables you to give to St. Cecilia parish by credit card. You  choose St. Cecilia from a list of parishes and the Archdiocese directs your donation to our parish.  The parish receives a monthly report of all donations made via this method.  Tax receipts are issued to donors at year end by the Archdiocese (one-time gifts are receipted at time of giving).

Pre-Authorised giving  A set donation figure of your choosing is withdrawn from your bank account on the 20th of each month.  Please contact the parish office to set this up.

If you have any questions regarding methods of donating,  please email or phone the parish office.

Thank you for your many and varied contributions to our parish community!

Dear parishioners,

I hope and pray that you are staying healthy – both physically and spiritually. Please let me know if the parish can help you during these difficult times.

No doubt you are aware that our parish relies on the support of our parishioners to operate – parish salaries, programs and ongoing operating costs (heating, water, electricity, etc.) – are funded through the generosity of our parish community. It will be a challenge for our parish to maintain operations without the weekly offertory collection.

In response to many queries that I have received from parishioners, I offer below some of the ways that you may continue to support our parish if you are in a position to do so.  I recognise that many of you, like the parish, are experiencing financial strain at this time and I pray that those stresses are soon eased for you.

For those in a position to continue to give to our parish, the easiest on-line options would be through the Archdiocese Donate Now link. Through this link you can give to the parish by credit card.  These donations are handled by the Archdiocese.  The donation is directed to the parish of your choice. The parish receives a monthly report of all donations made to the parish via this method and tax receipts are issued to donors at year end by the Archdiocese (one-time gifts are receipted at time of giving).

Pre-Authorised giving is also an option.  A set donation figure of your choosing is withdrawn from your bank account on the 20th of each month.   We have a number of parishioners who give by this method. Please contact the office if you wish to set this up.

Weekly envelopes may still be used -  mailed to the parish or dropped off.

Thank you for your many contributions to our parish community. I miss seeing all of you at the Mass and I pray daily that we will be able to gather together again soon.

Yours in Christ,

Father Joseph
Pastor,  St. Cecilia


The Shepherd's Trust Collection will not be taken up this year.  Instead, parishioners are invited to focus on the needs of their parish. So many parishes have suffered financially with the pandemic. If you wish to support your parish and the Trust, donations would be gratefully accepted. Visit:  www.shepherdstrust.org  to learn of the financial performance of the Trust and ways in which you may give.

St. Vincent De Paul Society 'Christmas Star Program'
Starts Next Weekend

This year, due to Covid, we will not have the tree displayed with Christmas Stars, however, because of Covid, the need is greater than ever. SVDP is running the program to meet this need! Please place your gift card or monetary donation in an envelope marked SVDP Christmas Star Program and deposit in the offertory basket after Mass or in the mail slot of the office at 161 Annette.

Please make your offering by Sunday, December 6th, 2020.

Gift cards can be purchased at any major department store or pharmacy.  Food gift cards can be purchased at all major grocery stores. The pandemic has had an impact on many in our community.  Thank you for giving to our neighbours who find themselves in need this year!


Building Renovation

The 6 companies bidding on the project had their site visit last week.  Bids will be submitted the first week of December and demolition work will begin thereafter!  Thank you to everyone who has kept the faith and supported this project financially and with prayer.  We will soon see shovels in the ground or, rather, toilets and tiles out the door!


In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Philippines is struggling through one of the worst typhoon seasons in decades after six significant storms made landfall on the Southeast Asian nation in just three weeks. The Archdiocese of Toronto is now accepting humanitarian relief donations to help those affected by these devastating disasters.

Ways to donate for those who are able:

-Online: Archdiocese of Toronto website: www.archtoronto.org . Click on the “Donate Now” button at the top of the page.

-By phone: Call the the Development Office: (416) 934-3411

-Through the parish: make cheques payable to: St. Cecilia Parish – Philippines Relief Effort – Disaster Relief



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$ 45,945.00
Thanks to your generous spirit, we surpassed our parish campaign goal of $39,300.000.
Thank you to everyone for your contributions and prayers!

Scripture Readings for
Sunday, November 29, 2020
The First Sunday of Advent

First Reading: Isaiah 63.16b-17, 64.1, 3-8
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 80
Second Reading:1 Corinthians 1 : 3 - 9
Gospel: Mark 13 : 33 - 37

Mon. Nov 23 - Sun. Nov 29

Wednesday 9:05 a.m.
Manuel Umbelina and Jardelina Melo (RIP)
Req. by Manuel, Manuela and Family

Thursday 9:05 a.m
Confirmandi of the Parish (INT)

 Friday 9:05 a.m.
Deceased members of the Rosary Apostolate
Toronto North Region (RIP)
Req. by The Rosary Apostolate

Saturday 9:05 a.m.
Bernice Ostafew (RIP)
Req. by Lorraine Ostafew

Saturday 7 p.m.
Agnes Gomes (RIP)
Req. by Rock Gomes

Sunday 9 a.m.
John Rooney(INT)
On his birthday
Req. by The Rooney Family

Sunday 11 a.m.
Alphonsus Gallagher(RIP)
Req. by Moira Gallagher and Family


Hang Sam Lee, Richard Mijares, Drew Fiala, Connie Tari-Kornhauser, Lisa Reardon, Stuart Robson, Rosa Maria Santos, Dory Kashin, Bianca Auriemma, Rosie Po, Frank Ferreira, Antonina Koziara, Julia Collins, Mary Ann Cuschieri, Sebastian Caravalho, Anne Tran Fazzalari, Gabriel Sebastian Romano, William (Buddy) O'Hara,  Robert Freimuts, Giuseppe R., Mikayla Haswell, Victoria Cooper, Christian Mijares, Anna Solims, Lorenza Varga, Steven McKinney, Krysten Telfer, Natalie Chabane, Edward Spiteri,  Maria Ruccolo, John Conforzi, Ignacio Juarez Ednet, Dominic Coccimiglio, Winifred Ismail, Hector Balthazar, Mimi Ashton, Ann Baby, and Theuma Family Members

Please notify the office of any changes to the list.


Weekly, 15 Nov 2020:  $1,760.00
All Souls: $ 50.00
Donate Now 16 - 31 Oct 2020: 400.00
Restoration Donation: $50.00
First Communion: 150.00

Thank you for any offering you are able to make at this time!