25 November 2018 – Last Sunday in Ordinary Time

Christ the King will restore all creation and restore his kingdom to the Father.  The risen people of God will rejoice in a new heaven and a new earth.  “There, with the whole of creation, freed from the corruption of sin and death, may we glorify you through Christ our Lord.” (EP IV) Ordo 2018


Thank you to everyone who participated in the Feast of St. Cecilia celebration.  Thank you to the priests who con-celebrated the mass with our pastor Father Joseph.  Thank you to all who offered their musical talent in celebration: the St. Cecilia school choir under the direction of Ivy Spalding, guest  violinist Angelique Toews, our cantor Don English, the St. Cecilia parish choir and Peter Treen our organist and choir director. Thanks to all who prepared and served liturgically for the event.  Thanks to everyone who offered assistance with the reception: decorating, baking, and serving; and to those who contributed financially – a heartfelt thanks!

An Advent Retreat at  St. Cecilia Church

December 13th, & 14th 2018 7:00 p.m. –  9:00 p.m.

Led by Father Anthony Akpanessien

Everyone is welcome to Prepare the Way of the Lord!

Raffle tickets will be sold after all masses leading up to the Christmas Bazaar!

Baked Goods Requested! There is a sign-up sheet at the back of the church for all those who would like to donate to our Christmas Bazaar Bake Sale! Thank you in advance!

Christmas Bazaar White Elephant Sale

If you have  LIGHTLY/GENTLY USED OR NEW ITEMS that you do not use in your home,  please consider donating them to our Christmas Bazaar White Elephant sale


Please mark your donations WHITE ELEPHANT and leave them on the bench at the bottom of the stairs to the basement.

St. Vincent De Paul Society ‘Christmas Star Program’

Once again, the St. Vincent De Paul Society is displaying a Christmas Tree in our Church, with dangling stars. Each star represents a gift that  can be purchased for either a teen, (gift card), or family, (food gift card).  Please take a star, and return it, with the appropriate  gift card to one of our St. Vincent De Paul representatives, (donation box holders), after Masses, by Sunday, December 9, 2018

Gift cards can be purchased at any major department store or pharmacy.  Food gift cards can be purchased at all major grocery stores.

Thank you for giving to those in our community who are less fortunate!

Christmas Cards and Cakes

⎈ Deluxe Cakes $27   ⎈ Regular Cakes $20   ⎈ Cards $8/pk      Sweet Gift Boxes $25

New this year!  Savoury Gift Baskets $30

As in previous years, during the months preceding the great ‘Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord’, Right to Life Christmas Cards and Campaign Life fruitcakeswill be on sale in the vestibule after Saturday and Sunday Masses starting this weekend.  One of the most important fundraisers Campaign Life Catholic does each year, is the sale of the delicious Christmas cakes made by the Monks of Notre Dame Abbey.  This helps to continue the work for the unborn, the elderly and the disabled, supporting life at every stage.

 Please see the poster in the vestibule    Thank you!