Dear parishioners,
I hope and pray that you are staying healthy – both physically and spiritually. Please let me know if the parish can help you during these difficult times.
No doubt you are aware that our parish relies on the support of our parishioners to operate – parish salaries, programs and ongoing operating costs (heating, water, electricity, etc.) – are funded through the generosity of our parish community. It will be a challenge for our parish to maintain operations without the weekly offertory collection.
In response to many queries that I have received from parishioners, I offer below some of the ways that you may continue to support our parish if you are in a position to do so. I recognise that many of you, like the parish, are experiencing financial strain at this time and I pray that those stresses are soon eased for you.
For those in a position to continue to give to our parish, the easiest on-line options would be through the Archdiocese Donate Now link Through this link you can give to the parish by credit card. These donations are handled by the Archdiocese. The donation is directed to the parish of your choice. The parish receives a monthly report of all donations made to the parish via this method and tax receipts are issued to donors at year end by the Archdiocese (one-time gifts are receipted at time of giving).
Pre-Authorised giving is also an option. A set donation figure of your choosing is withdrawn from your bank account on the 20th of each month. We have a number of parishioners who give by this method. Please contact the office if you wish to set this up.
Weekly envelopes may still be used - mailed to the parish or dropped off.
Thank you for your many contributions to our parish community. I miss seeing all of you at the Mass and I pray daily that we will be able to gather together again soon.
Yours in Christ,
Father Joseph
Pastor, St. Cecilia
The 1st and 2nd ShareLife Collection dates (March 29 and May 3) have been postponed due to the emergency closure but the necessary work of the agencies continues...
In times of crisis, those who are poor and marginalized are often most severely impacted. Catholic Charities member agencies, funded by ShareLife, remain on the front lines helping people in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.
These agencies are taking significant measures to ensure the safety of those in their care. Many are providing services by phone, like counselling for people suffering from heightened anxiety, helping seniors order groceries and medication, assisting young mothers
At St. Michael's Homes, in addition to supporting clients during this time of heightened stress, the staff in the Treatment Program together with the clients are sewing masks for St. Michael's Homes clients and to donate Michael Garron Hospital.
Visit or to hear the many inspiring ways these agencies are living the gospel during the pandemic!
Share Life Collection #1
2019 #1 and #2: 20,115.00
2020 to date: 270.00
Money donated on-line not included in totals.
To give to our parish ShareLife campaign on-line visit:
Thank you to everyone collected Coins for Life over Lent! Some of you have been asking what to do with the boxes and money you have collected.
You are welcome to wait until the church re-opens to return both boxes and money or you may hold onto the boxes until the church re-opens and mail a cheque to:
Campaign Life Coalition
104 Bond St. #300
Toronto, ON M5B 1X9
(please indicate it is from St. Cecilia's campaign)
You may also contact Ann @ 416 769 9749 to arrange drop-off with her.
Thank you very much for your donations. We will celebrate when the church re-opens!
May 3rd: Vespers at 7 p.m.
Lectio at 7:30 p.m.
Elijah (I Kings 19:1-18)
Many could benefit from this spiritual accompaniment during these difficult times. Whether this will be your first Lectio Divina or you are a long-time attendee, please plan to join us and please invite your friends! Livestreamed ONLY!
Livestream links:
Download PDF of the program:
Interfaith Prayer Service
For the well being of the Earth and all the brings that dwell upon it.
Thursday May 7, 2020, 11:15 a.m. -12:15 p.m. via Zoom
RSVP and the code will be shared with you by May 4th.
Please join us for a virtual interfaith prayer gathering, (featuring reflections, prayer, music and poetry from various faith traditions) to ask God to transform us during this time so we can heal those who are wounded (spiritually, mentally or physically) and seeking hope and peace.
Monday, April 27 to Sunday, May 3, 2020
The Fathers are celebrating both daily and Sunday Mass and remembering the community and requested intentions
Monday 9:05 a.m.
Hilaria & Neville Hong Ting (RIP)
Henry Akan (RIP)
Req. by Annette & Ben Beneditz
Tuesday 9:05 a.m.
Rosendo & Carmelita del Rosario (RIP)
Req. by Sergia and Rafael Espinos
Wednesday 9:05 a.m.
Holy Souls (RIP)
Req. by The Rooney Family
Thursday 9:05 a.m
Catherine Hall (RIP)
Req. by The Rooney Family
Friday 9:05 a.m.
Lit & Giny Kabigting (INT)
And Nan Pico (RIP)
Req. by Sergia and Rafael Espinos
Saturday 9:05 a.m.
Andrew Rooney (INT)
Req. by The Rooney Family
Saturday 7 p.m.
Carmelo & Maria Cutajar (RIP)
Req. by Victoria Attard
Sunday 9 a.m.
The Sick (INT)
Req. by The Rooney Family
Sunday 11 a.m.
Isabella Frendo & Rita Bonnici (RIP)
Req. by Helen and Fred Frendo
Hang Sam Lee, Richard Mijares, Drew Fiala, Connie Tari-Kornhauser, Lisa Reardon, Stuart Robson, Rosa Maria Santos, Dory Kashin, Bianca Auriemma, Rosie Po, Frank Ferreira, Antonina Koziara, Julia Collins, Mary Ann Cuschieri, Sebastian Caravalho, Anne Tran Fazzalari, Gabriel Sebastian Romano, William (Buddy) O'Hara, Lennox Bigford, Robert Freimuts, Giuseppe R., Mikayla Haswell, Victoria Cooper, Christian Mijares, Anna Solims, Lorenza Varga, Steven McKinney, Krysten Telfer, Natalie Chabane, Edward Spiteri, Anastasija Broks, Maria Ruccolo, John Conforzi, Ignacio Juarez Ednet, Dominic Coccimiglio, and Theuma Family Members
2020 2019
March 29/31 $ 130.00 1,494.00
Palm Sunday 390.00 2,324.00
Holy Thursday 200.00 983.25
Holy Lands (Friday) 200.00 1,945.75
Easter Sunday 350.00 3,632.00
Easter Weekly 100.00 1,557.00
Donate Now, March 80.00
PAG March 218.00 448.00
Thank you for any offering you are able to make at this time!
March 31.......................1,494.00
Palm Sunday................2,324.00
Holy Thursday................938.00
Holy Lands (Friday)...1,945.00
Easter Sunday.............3,632.00
April 12 Weekly..........1,557.00
Thank you for any support you are able to offer!
Are you struggling with anxiety or depression during the pandemic? The Toronto Catholic Services agency awaits your call. Isolation doesn't mean you are alone.
To access services call: 416 921‐1163 or 416 222‐0048 or email .
Are you a student in gr. 3 or above who has received the Sacrament of First Communion? You are eligible to serve at Mass! The parish is in need of altar servers to serve at Sunday Masses. Please consider sharing your talents in this way. Training will be provided. Contact the office or speak with Fr. Joseph for details. There are registration forms on the bulletin board at the back of the church. Thank-you!