3 November 2019 – Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Friday, November 22nd, 2019

9:05 a.m.: regular morning Mass
7:00 p.m.:  Mass in celebration of the Feast of St. Cecilia

Our parish will be hosting an informal reception after the 7:00 p.m. Mass in our church basement. For those who would like to make a monetary contribution to the celebration, please take a St. Cecilia's Feast day offertory envelope, which will be available at the back of the church in the weeks to come.  For those who would like to contribute to the reception, a sign-up sheet can be found at the back of the church.                              

St. Cecilia's Christmas Bazaar

Saturday November 30 2019
Sunday December 1 2019


Vendor tables are available for rent during the Christmas Bazaar! Please contact Sean at smcn@yorku.ca. Vendor contracts are available for pick up at the back of the church starting this weekend!  Completed contracts and payment must be received by November 22nd.


We are now accepting GENTLY USED OR NEW ITEMS for our Christmas Bazaar White Elephant sale. Thank you for your support! Please mark your donations "White Elephant" and leave on the bench at the bottom of the Hall stairs.

Please, NO clothing, shoes, or books. Thank-you!

First Reconciliation and First Communion Sacramental Preparation Registration

  REGISTRATION DEADLINE and Compulsory Meeting

THIS Wednesday, November 6th, 2019 @ 6:00 p.m.
in the Church Hall

Attendance at the registration meeting is mandatory.

The programme begins with the Rite of Enrolment on Sunday, November 10th at the 11 a.m. Mass.


Registration packages for the Sacrament of Confirmation Preparation Program can be found at the back of the church.  For grade 7 students of St. Cecilia's & St. Rita's School, the  registration packages have been mailed to their homes via the school.

Mandatory Registration Meeting
(and deadline date for registration)
Tuesday, November 5th, 2019 @ 6:00 p.m. in the church hall

PROGRAM BEGINS with the Rite of Enrolment Sunday, November 24th at 11 a.m. Mass
Sessions begin Tuesday, January 7, 2019

To participate in this programme and be considered to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring of 2019, candidates must make a commitment to: 1. attend every scheduled Tuesday evening class from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., 2. Worship at the 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass with their peers each weekend, and 3.  Complete service hours

Sunday Adoration
November 10 2019

After the 9:00 a.m. & before  the 11:00 a.m. Masses

Choristers wanted!

We are looking for children ages 8 and up who would be interested and available to participate and sing for two upcoming parish events. Friday evening, November 22nd  for the Feast of St. Cecilia Celebration and Saturday evening, December 7th for a special Advent Mass and concert. It is our hope that a small children's choir can be assembled for these two events. Rehearsal schedule is to be determined. We would also be looking for parent volunteers!

If you are interested, please add your name(s) to the sign- up sheet at the back of the church or contact music director Peter Treen directly at 416-720-4416 for more information.


Thank you to all who participated in the Harvest Festival on October 20th, 2019!  Special Kudos and thanks to the dynamic Clivio Family, for their hard work!  Thank you to those who donated the delicious baked goods for the bake sale.  Thank you to all the volunteers who helped organize, set up, run, and clean up after the event! Together we raised $980.00 for our Restoration Fund!

Light in the Darkness: Debunking Black Legends of the Catholic church in History
November 9, 2019, 9:30 a.m.

St. Augustine's Seminary
2661 Kingston Rd., Scarborough

Join Fr. Séamus Hogan, Professor of Church History, as he confronts false versions of Catholic history which portray the church as a violent, ignorant, worldly and bigoted institution. Fr. Séamus reveals the true facts around historical events such as the Crusades, the Inquisition and many others. Spend the day debunking myths in order to discover the real truth of the church's history. Holy Mass at St. Augustine's chapel is included with registration.

All are welcome.

COST: $50, includes lunch.
416-261-7207, layspiritualformation@sastoronto.org