Lest We Forget...
Remembrance Day, Wednesday, Nov 11th is a special day of prayer for Catholics in Canada
Feast of St. Cecilia Mass
Sunday November 15th, 11 a.m.
Please note the change in date and time for this year.
Reserve your space via Eventbrite (or by phoning the office by Friday, Nov. 13th at 2 p.m.) You may also join us from home via our Youtube channel. Visit saintcecilia.ca for the links to our Youtube channel and Eventbrite page.
ENDING POVERTY TOGETHER - virtual interactive workshop
Saturday, November 14 – 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Hosted By The Newman Centre
Join for videos and discussion and interactive content designed to help redefine your understanding of poverty in Canada and abroad. Connect with individuals in your community while gaining a healthy, hope-filled approach to poverty alleviation
REGISTER: http://bit.ly/EndingPovertyWorkshop
CONTACT: lenita.lopes@newmantoronto.com
2020-2021 Living with Christ Missals will be available for purchase after Masses NEXT weekend November 14/15th. The cost is $5.00
November 12 at 7 pm.
Grade 9 Roundtable: A Roadmap to Success
November 21 at 10 am.
The Girls’ School Advantage Webinar
For info/to register, Giselle Fernandes : 905-891-1890, ext. 103.
Website: www.holynameofmarycollegeschool.com
twitter: @HNMCS
Please join HNMCS to see how they educate, inspire, empower and shape the girls of today to become the next generation of confident female leaders of character.
We are updating our parish contact information
Please help us by emailing your contact information - especially your current email address - to the parish office, stceciliatoronto@gmail.com
Please use your current email address and place in the subject line "Email address update." Be sure to include your name, address, and telephone number in the email body. For those of you without e-mail, please phone the office: 416 769 8163 with any updates to your contact information.
Thank you!
Immediate sacramental preparation is the responsibility of the parish and it is a parish, not a school event. You should register for sacramental preparation with your home parish (the parish closest to your home whose geographic boundaries you live within or where you regularly worship as a registered parishioner). If this is not St. Cecilia Parish, you must contact your home parish as soon as possible as they may have already begun registration for their programmes. We hope to finalise the 2020-2021 programme plans for our parish soon and we will share the details with the parish and the schools.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
10:00-11:30 a.m. On ZOOM
Join a virtual workshop on Development and Peace’s new campaign “Recovering Together” to hear about the impact Covid19 is having across the world and, in particular, in the Global South where health resources are stretched to the limit while climate change keeps affecting these regions with devastating effects. Learn what we can do as people of Faith here in Canada to promote a worldwide “Just Recovery” as we face Covid-19 together.
To register, visit: www.devp.org “Online Activities 2020”
INFO : torontodevp@gmail.com
Saturday, November 28, 2020 10:00 am to 9:15 pm
Cardinal Thomas Collins is pleased to invite families from across the diocese to the third annual virtual archdiocesan gathering of families! This family day will include: prayer; praise and worship; games; Scripture; teaching; a Q&A with Cardinal Collins; family activity challenges; and a parent talk and discussion session with lay evangelist, Patrick Sullivan. Parents and children of all ages are invited to join us for both online Zoom sessions and offline activities. There is no cost to attend, but capacity is limited so register early! One ticket per household.
2020 Virtual “Christ the King Rally”
Saturday, November 21 – 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Presented by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Council(CCRC) of the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Join free of charge from the comfort of your home via the CCRC’s Facebook page &YouTube channel. Anointed praise & worship and powerful talks by Bishop Robert Kasun, Frs. F. Ching and M. Amuzu.
PHONE: 416-466-0776
EMAIL: ccrctorontoinfo@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.ccrctoronto.com FACEBOOK: CCRC
Weekly envelopes may be used - mailed to the parish or dropped off: 161 Annette Street, Toronto, ON M6P 1P5.
The easiest on-line options:
Archdiocese Donate Now link https://community.archtoronto.org/page.aspx?pid=416 Enables you to give to St. Cecilia parish by credit card. You choose St. Cecilia from a list of parishes and the Archdiocese directs your donation to our parish. The parish receives a monthly report of all donations made via this method. Tax receipts are issued to donors at year end by the Archdiocese (one-time gifts are receipted at time of giving).
Pre-Authorised giving A set donation figure of your choosing is withdrawn from your bank account on the 20th of each month. Please contact the parish office to set this up.
If you have any questions regarding methods of donating, please email or phone the parish office.
Thank you for your many and varied contributions to our parish community!
Dear parishioners,
I hope and pray that you are staying healthy – both physically and spiritually. Please let me know if the parish can help you during these difficult times.
No doubt you are aware that our parish relies on the support of our parishioners to operate – parish salaries, programs and ongoing operating costs (heating, water, electricity, etc.) – are funded through the generosity of our parish community. It will be a challenge for our parish to maintain operations without the weekly offertory collection.
In response to many queries that I have received from parishioners, I offer below some of the ways that you may continue to support our parish if you are in a position to do so. I recognise that many of you, like the parish, are experiencing financial strain at this time and I pray that those stresses are soon eased for you.
For those in a position to continue to give to our parish, the easiest on-line options would be through the Archdiocese Donate Now link. Through this link you can give to the parish by credit card. These donations are handled by the Archdiocese. The donation is directed to the parish of your choice. The parish receives a monthly report of all donations made to the parish via this method and tax receipts are issued to donors at year end by the Archdiocese (one-time gifts are receipted at time of giving).
Pre-Authorised giving is also an option. A set donation figure of your choosing is withdrawn from your bank account on the 20th of each month. We have a number of parishioners who give by this method. Please contact the office if you wish to set this up.
Weekly envelopes may still be used - mailed to the parish or dropped off.
Thank you for your many contributions to our parish community. I miss seeing all of you at the Mass and I pray daily that we will be able to gather together again soon.
Yours in Christ,
Father Joseph
Pastor, St. Cecilia
Happy Easter! Christ is Risen!
I love our parish. Inspired by the Resurrection of our Lord that we now celebrate, I trust that our community of faith, hope and love will make it through this pandemic. When the church was closed for mass, it was the final motivation I needed to do something our family has been meaning to do for a long time – I went to the Archdiocesan website and I signed up for Donate Now credit card giving to the St. Cecilia offertory. It was very easy. I just went to this website (Click the button below) and selected St. Cecilia from the drop-down list. Joining the Donate Now program to St. Cecilia ensures that I can continue to financially support my spiritual home even when I cannot be there physically. I would like to invite you all to do the same. Together, each of us contributing as we are able, can ensure that St. Cecilia will always be there for us. I look forward to the great celebration we will have when we can return to the Eucharist together at the end of this Pandemic!
In truth,
Luke Stocking,
Pastoral Council Chair, St. Cecilia
The Shepherd's Trust collection will not be taken up this year. Instead, parishioners are invited to focus on the needs of their parish. If you wish to give to your parish and the Trust, donations would be gratefully accepted.
$ 38,175.00
Thanks to your generous spirit, we have reached 97% of our parish campaign goal of $39,300.000.
Thank you to everyone for your contributions and prayers!
ShareLife Sunday: Last weekend to contribute to our Parish Campaign
People with addictions are among the many marginalized groups supported by your gift to ShareLife. “These uncertain times are especially difficult for our addiction clients who already face isolation, food and housing insecurities, and struggle with mental wellness,” reports St. Michael’s Homes, a ShareLife-funded agency. “We suspect the need will continue to increase throughout the pandemic and into a post-Covid environment.”
Your gift to ShareLife ensures St. Michael’s Homes can continue to help people overcome addiction, as demand for their programs grows.
This weekend is ShareLife Sunday and the final day to make your donation to our parish campaign. If you give by the end of the weekend, you can double the impact of your donation. A generous donor is matching gifts up to $500,000. Please give during the special collection or anytime using the ShareLife envelopes at the back of the church. You can also give securely online at sharelife.org/donate.
Scripture Readings for
Sunday, November 15, 2020
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Proverbs 21 : 10-13, 19-20, 30-31
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 128
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5 : 1 - 6
Gospel: Matthew 24 : 14 - 30 OR 14 - 15, 19 - 21
Mon. Nov 9 - Sun. Nov 15
Tuesday 9:05 a.m.
Maryna & Boleslaw Fijalkowski (RIP)
Anna & Antek Dzieciolowski (RIP)
Req. by Elizabeth Fijalkowski
Wednesday 9:05 a.m.
Male Merchenz (RIP)
Req. by Ann and Herb Clough and Family
Friday 9:05 a.m.
Anna Madej (INT)
Blessings and health on her birthday
Req. by The Czajkowski Family
Saturday 7 p.m.
Jardelina Melo &Manuel Umbelina (RIP)
Req. by Their Children
Sunday 9 a.m.
James McAllister (RIP)
Req. by The Rooney Family
Sunday 11 a.m.
The Intentions of the Parish Community
Hang Sam Lee, Richard Mijares, Drew Fiala, Connie Tari-Kornhauser, Lisa Reardon, Stuart Robson, Rosa Maria Santos, Dory Kashin, Bianca Auriemma, Rosie Po, Frank Ferreira, Antonina Koziara, Julia Collins, Mary Ann Cuschieri, Sebastian Caravalho, Anne Tran Fazzalari, Gabriel Sebastian Romano, William (Buddy) O'Hara, Robert Freimuts, Giuseppe R., Mikayla Haswell, Victoria Cooper, Christian Mijares, Anna Solims, Lorenza Varga, Steven McKinney, Krysten Telfer, Natalie Chabane, Edward Spiteri, Maria Ruccolo, John Conforzi, Ignacio Juarez Ednet, Dominic Coccimiglio, Winifred Ismail, Hector Balthazar, Mimi Ashton and Theuma Family Members.
Please notify the office of any changes to the list.
Weekly, 1 Nov 2020: $1,725.00
Taxes and Insurance: $360.00
All Souls: $885.00
Thank you for any offering you are able to make at this time!