The RCIA process through St. Cecilia’s church has begun, and will continue every Thursday from 6 to 9 p.m. in the church hall meeting room. Persons who have been baptized in another Christian church and who wish to become a member of the Catholic Church are encouraged to participate in the RCIA before receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. If interested, please contact Angelo at 647-391-4217 or the office 416-769-8163. RCIA process brochures are available in the foyer of the church!
Marian Prayer Group
The Marian Prayer Group meet on Mondays in the Church from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome!
Rosary Apostolate in the Schools
The Rosary Apostolate in the schools is seeking volunteers, (male or female), who have devotion to the Mother of God and who are willing to visit our elementary schools to pray the Rosary with the children once a month. Training will be provided.
If you are interested, please contact Ann Clough at (416) 769 – 3711, Lorraine Ostafew at (416) 766 – 8929 or Frances McKee at (416) 766-6712.
Bingo at St. Paul the Apostle Church!
Starting this Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 and continuing every Wednesday at 12:00 p.m.
Upper Hall of the Parish, St. Paul the Apostle Church. 3224 Dundas Street West.
For more information: 416-767-7054
First Coffee Social after the Summer Break!
Sunday, September 16th after the 9 & 11 a.m. Masses! Hosted by the our Parish Council
Volunteer Planning Meeting for the Harvest Festival
Wednesday, September 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the church basement meeting room!
All volunteers who are planning to help with the Harvest Festival on October 21st, are asked to please attend this very important planning meeting!
First Pizza Sunday and 50/50 Draw after the Summer!!
Mark your calendar and come out to enjoy a slice or whole pizza baked by Maria and her fabulous team! Eat in or take-out available!
Sunday, September 23rd!
OUR PARISH LOCATION: Bloor West & Keele Intersection
Life Chain is a non-confrontational, peaceful, and silent witness to the evil of abortion and its painful consequences. It is a simple but powerful reminder to our fellow citizens of the sanctity of human life and our duty to defend the weakest members of our society.